What 2017 Has In Store for SMEs

Sze Wai
Expense Check
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2017


With the rise in Cloud based software throughout last year, it is evident this has slowly become the norm for small businesses across the globe given the clear benefits of increased security and accessibility, enabling individuals to work virtually anywhere at anytime as long as they have an internet connection.

Along with this, the shift in attitudes towards running a business could largely be attributed to the influence from younger generations driving forward with innovation and creativity. It’s no surprise ‘millennials’ much prefer to work in environments that foster professional and personal growth as opposed to moulding them into a role that has been recycled time and time again. Alongside this, niche markets targeting specific products and services will continue to boom as consumers increasingly look for quality over quantity.

The digital age although no longer ‘news’ to the business world in 2017 will certainly take on a fresh new turn with more platforms and applications designed to help streamline the runnings of small businesses. The next generation of digital transformation will continue to accelerate in 2017 and SMEs who do not keep up with the pace of change will no doubt fall behind.

